Vailankanni. Traders in textiles for tourists. Shops as non-permanent structures.



Marketing and promotion should presently be subdued due to of Tranquebar's very limited accommodation capacity; lack of tourist-merchandise; lack of sales outlets; lack of activity providers; and pending a rehabilitation of the Fort Museum.


As seen from the preceding pages it is of utmost importance to preserve the uniqueness of Tranquebar so that the town continues to clearly differ from other towns and villages on the Coromandel Coast (and along the full Indian coast). The core of Old Tranquebar is very sensitive to developments such as modern buildings, landscaping, the building of a children’s playground and the establishment of a cement road. It is accordingly suggested to aim at slow, well planned and controlled tourism development, where the attractions of the town will still be the sea, the beach, the wind, the street grid, history and built culture, with the addition of a fully renovated museum and Governor’s House.

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