Recommendations It is recommended that Old Tranquebar is provided with a full set of garbage containers that should be transportable and easy to empty; and that a mini-lorry is provided for the purpose of garbage disposal. Also equipment for collection and loading, such as hand trolleys, should be made available. Special staff on standard government contracts should be assigned for by-weekly garbage collection in the historical part of town. The consultant disagrees with the proposal to transform King Street into a cement road. This would lead to too easy and fast passage for vehicles on the often crowded road, which is used by numerous school children, as well as disturb the serenity of Tranquebar. If funds are made available either the asphalt cover could be expanded, and the road provided with a series of road bumps so as to slow traffic, or the road could be remade in cobble stones, professionally laid. Other roads should preferably be left as dirt roads so as to absorb moisture. There is a need for road fill, adequate levelling and side-slope. God drainage will be paramount for all roads. It is suggested that low vegetation at road sides, and on the Parade Ground, should be left intact so as to absorb rain-water, as well as for aesthetic reasons, in the case of flowering plants. Fine-cutting of vegetation can be carried out when needed. New road signs should be affixed on all road corner walls in Old Tranquebar, bearing road names in Danish and Tamil. It should be noted that in Pondicherry road signs are still in French: Tamil on top, French at the bottom (see photo page 5). 15. ACCOMMODATION Findings Present accommodation in Tranquebar comprise two hotels with very limited room capacity. Also a small new hotel, "The Gatehouse", is under construction. Further to the two hotels a few guest rooms are owned by church groups and predominantly used by visitors who come to Tranquebar for religious purposes. The two upmarket hotels will both have swimming pools. Pools are presently under construction, including a children’s pool at the Bungalow on the Beach Hotel. Both the Bungalow on the Beach Hotel and the Tamil Nadu Hotel have excellent locations in Old Tranquebar town with fine views of the Fort, Parade Ground and the sea. The sea breeze makes outside sitting pleasant at the Bungalow on the Beach, even during the hot season. |
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